651-404-7057 is a SCAM

651-404-7057 WARNING: ANY ONLINE ACTIVITY associated with this phone number is a SCAM

Apartment scam

  • by: steffyd
  • #77608
  • Jul 15, 2020
  • Monetary Loss: $1300

I inquired on listing for apartment on craigslist. I received email and submitted application. I made deposit and first month rent via paypal which turned out to be a scam.

We have additional reports where no money was lost but PERSONAL INDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION WAS STOLEN and used for additional SCAMS.


Advice: Never rent a space without seeing it first. If you are out of down and looking at a vacation rental then pay a property manager to check it out for you. Or, preferably, use AIRBNB because they protect you with insurance.

If you insist on using free sites like Craigslist then, you must verify ownership of the place with the local county records. YOU MUST DO THIS BEFORE giving anyone an application with your personal information on it.

If someone is asking you for personal information BEFORE you physically inspect the place and verify ownership, THEN IT IS A SCAM.